

Below are some of are common questions about orders

Can I cancel/change my order?

We might be able to cancel/change it if the shipping label hasn't been created. Contact us as soon as possible at

Upon the completion of your purchase, you can expect to receive the order confirmation within 24 hours via email. Kindly ensure to check your spam folder for its delivery. In the event that you do not receive the order confirmation through email after the designated 24-hour period, we kindly request you to contact us at for further assistance.

Order cancellations may occur due to various factors, including:

  1. A cancellation request initiated by you.
  2. Unavailability of the item in our inventory.

This is done to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of our order fulfillment process.

Please send us pictures of the parcel and products to

so we can assist you better.

Please check your neighbours if they don't have your parcel please contact us at


We ship to the following countries:

Austria, Belgium Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands.

We do provide free shipping if you meet the criteria for your country:

  • NL €50+
  • DE/BE €60+
  • The rest of EU €100+

When you make a purchase with us, you'll be provided with a track and trace feature, allowing you to monitor each stage as your package approaches your destination.